Title |
Census 1940, United States, Antone G. Rodrigues |
Publisher |
"United States Census, 1940," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:VB9N-SK9 : 15 March 2018), Antone G Rodrigues, Tract 28, Honolulu Judicial District, Representative District 4, Honolulu, Hawaii Territory, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) 2-80, sheet 16B, line 52, family 324, Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940, NARA digital publication T627. Records of the Bureau of the Census, 1790 - 2007, RG 29. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 2012, roll 4586. |
Census Records & Voter Lists |
Source ID |
S491 |
Text |
County: Honolulu. island: Oahu. City: Honolulu. 1471 Pukele Street. House Owned or Rented: O. Value of House: $1693. Name: Rodrigues, Antone G.; Head. Sex: M. Color or Race: Cau(Caucasion). Age: 54. Marital Status: M. Attended School (in year): N. Highest Grade of School Completed: 4. U.S. Citizenship: . Territorial Citizenship: Y. Was this person at work for pay or profit anytime in the week of March 24-30, 1940: Y. Number of hours this person worked in the week March 24-30, 1940: 48. Occupation: Mechanic. Industry: Dredging Firm. Number of weeks worked in the last 12 months: 26. Amount of money wages or salary received: $650. Did this person receive income amounting to $50 or more from sources other than money wages or salary: N. / Rodrigues, Helen; Wife. Sex: F. Color or Race: Cau(Caucasian). Aged: 55. Marital Status: M. Highest Grade of School Completed: 4. Place of Birth: Hawaii. U.S. Citizenship: . Territorial Citizenship: Y. Was this person at work for pay or profit anytime in the week of March 24-30, 1940: N. If not at work was this person seeking work: N. Number of weeks worked in the last 12 months: 0. Amount of money wages or salary received: $0. Did this person receive income amounting to $50 or more from sources other than money wages or salary: N. / Rodrigues, Evelyn; Daughter Sex: F. Color or Race: Cau(Caucasian). Aged: 26. Marital Status: S. Highest Grade of School Completed: 9. Place of Birth: Hawaii. U.S. Citizenship: . Territorial Citizenship: Y. Was this person at work for pay or profit anytime in the week of March 24-30, 1940: N. If not at work was this person seeking work: N. Number of weeks worked in the last 12 months: 34. Amount of money wages or salary received: $340. Did this person receive income amounting to $50 or more from sources other than money wages or salary: N. / Rodrigues, Lawrence; Son. Sex: M. Color or Race: Cau(Caucasian). Aged: 21. Marital Status: S. Highest Grade of School Completed: 12. Place of Birth: Hawaii. U.S. Citizenship: . Territorial Citizenship: Y. Was this person at work for pay or profit anytime in the week of March 24-30, 1940: Y. If not at work was this person seeking work: N. Number of weeks worked in the last 12 months: 26. Occupation: Supply Clerk. Industry: Air Depot. Amount of money wages or salary received: $520. Did this person receive income amounting to $50 or more from sources other than money wages or salary: N. / Rodrigues, Anthony; Son. Sex: M. Color or Race: Cau(Caucasian). Aged: 16. Marital Status: S. Highest Grade of School Completed: 10. Place of Birth: Hawaii. U.S. Citizenship: . Territorial Citizenship: Y. Was this person at work for pay or profit anytime in the week of March 24-30, 1940: N. If not at work was this person seeking work: N. Number of weeks worked in the last 12 months: 4. Amount of money wages or salary received: $56. Did this person receive income amounting to $50 or more from sources other than money wages or salary: N. Anjo, Alvin; Nephew. Sex: M. Color or Race: Cau(Caucasian). Aged: 23. Marital Status: S. Highest Grade of School Completed: 12 Place of Birth: Hawaii. U.S. Citizenship: . Territorial Citizenship: Y. Was this person at work for pay or profit anytime in the week of March 24-30, 1940: Y. If not at work was this person seeking work: N. Number of weeks worked in the last 12 months: 52. Occupation: Pipe Fitter. Industry: Navy Yard. Amount of money wages or salary received: $1560. Did this person receive income amounting to $50 or more from sources other than money wages or salary: N. |
Linked to (6) |
Anjo, Alvin Anthony
Pereira, Helen
Rodrigues, Anthony Vincent
Rodrigues, Antone Gregory
Rodrigues, Evelyn
Rodrigues, Lawrence Perry |